MusEd 100
Principles of Music Teaching: Seminar and Practicum
Overview of the music teaching profession emphasizing basic terminology, instructional procedures, and curricular concepts. Performance-based assessment for all developmental levels, technology, and portfolio development experiences. Practicum includes directed observation, demonstration, and supervised participation experience in K-12 music programs.
Reading Logs:
Music Education: Historical contexts and perspectives (Labuta & Smith) - Chapter 2
Music Education: Historical contexts and perspectives (Labuta & Smith) - Chapter 5 (part I)
How To Develop a Professional Portfolio (Campbell, et. al.) - Chapter 3
Music Education: Historical contexts and perspectives (Labuta & Smith) - Chapter 3
Music Education: Historical contexts and perspectives (Labuta & Smith) - Chapter 5 (part II)
"Secretary of Education Says NCLB Includes Arts" (Teaching Music)
Bonus Reading Log: "Successful Student-Teaching Experience" (MENC Music Educators Journal)
Field Observations:
Professional Development Log and Professional Development Essay
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