Microteaching #1: Tideo
October 21, 2004
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Microteaching #1: Teaching a Song to Peers
“Tideo” – The Music Connection (Grade 3: New Century Edition and Teacher’s Edition) - p. 242
Instructional Goal: The students will learn to sing “Tideo” and possibly improvise with percussion accompaniments.
National Standards
covered in this lesson:
1. Singing, alone and with others, and varied repertoire of music.
3. Improvising melodies, variations, and accompaniments.
5. Reading and notating music.
Materials Used in the
Song copy on projector
Worksheet handout
Jingle bells (and perhaps other assorted percussion instruments, if time allows)
Before starting: draw two blanks on board for the two measures from worksheet
and distribute jingle bells.
“Last week we learned about rhythm. Somebody describe something we learned last
week. … Anybody? … What about the difference between eight and sixteenth
notes?” etc.
(While passing out worksheet…) “Good, well, take a look at this worksheet, and fill in the blanks for the missing rhythms. Then, we’ll put some words to it and learn a new song today! But first just work on this… I’ll give you about a minute.”
Review work on worksheet – have volunteers put answers on board.
Provide correct answers, of course, as necessary.
Have class clap rhythm. (Don’t go too fast!)
“What do we do on the last line?”
“What do those dots at the beginning and end of the line mean?”
Then show song on projector.
“What note would this start on if it were in treble clef?”
“Now, who will read the words for me?”
“What does it mean to you?”
“Well, it’s actually a song that has clapping motions to go with it, so those
words go along with the motions. But we probably won’t have time today to learn
them, so we will do that next time.”
Sing it as example for the students. (any tempo – in key of A Major)
Then have kids sing it on “La.” (don’t go too fast!!)
Students sing it, with me, with lyrics. (don’t go too fast!!)
“Anybody want to sing it for the class?”
If time, here are motions: Pass – clap,
Windows – desk, Tideo – pat knees, Jingle – jingle bells
Finally, have students sing song
without me.
Then do as a round – first 2 lines/last line (with repeat)
If time, have students get percussion
instruments and play them while singing song
Review/Closure Statement
“Someone tell me one new thing you’ve
learned today.” (the song) “Right, we learned how to sing ‘Tideo.’ You also
got to review some of the work we did last week with rhythms and you also
learned some fun motions to the song! Next week we’ll learn some more songs as
we work on harmony. Have a great day!”
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