Bell, Cindy L., and Robinson, Nathalie G. "The Successful Student-Teaching Experience: Thoughts from the Ivory Tower." Music Educators Journal Sept. 2004: 39-42. 



Ø       Support from the Ivory Tower

·         College professors are in “ivory tower,” but can be very useful

-          Watch mus ed kids from freshman year through graduation

-          All your performances, grades, attitudes, etc. help them determine your abilities

-          Allows for effective feedback

-          They keep current with research and trends in music education

-          They bestow upon you a bit of a professional responsibility by placing you

·         All in efforts to send best and brightest into classroom as music educators

Ø       Role of Student Teaching

·         A rite of passage

-          Use those who have been through that passage already as guides

·         A time of synthesis

-          All knowledge and ideas you have will be shaped into your professional image

·         A time of exploration and experimentation

-          Create teaching/rehearsing strategies

-          Have help coming up with lesson plans and refining teaching styles

Ø       Eight Keys to Success – A Successful Student Teacher…

·         Is a professional: knowledgeable, capable, organized, and prepared

-          Show you know your stuff

-          Be punctual

-          Appropriate dress/language

-          Good attitude/willing to help/do stuff without being asked/etc.

·         Maintains a collegial and respectful relationship with the cooperating teacher and other staff members

-          Mutual respect is important; be a team player

-          Share ideas, resources, etc.; get good feedback

·         Achieves a professional and balanced relationship with students

-          Being liked is good; but be fair and sensitive in handling issues

·         Develops and demonstrates efficient classroom organizational and management skills

-          Help organize room, have stuff prepared before students arrive

-          Make sure kids understand rules

·         Pursues the craft of teaching

-          Being by practicing these: communication skills, teaching strategies, and questioning techniques

·         Good oral and written skills

·         Detailed lesson plans

·         Is critically self-reflective

-          Identify factors of success and failure in teaching

-          Videotape or otherwise self-evaluate; let others evaluate you too!

·         Is competent in music and pedagogy

-          Basically, know your stuff

-          Don’t let kids stump you

·         Is passionate and enthusiastic about teaching

-          Are you passionate about teaching children?

-          Are you passionate about teaching music?

-          If both, then you’re set

Ø       Conclusion

·         Student teaching is important and unpredictable

·         Be flexible and adaptable

·         Your college teachers/mentor will help you greatly!



This is another very concise yet useful article that explains somewhat the student teaching process.  However, its primary function is to give more hints, tips, suggestions, and guidelines for having a successful student teaching experience.  Thought my actual student teaching will not happen for another 3 years, this article can be useful now, for two main reasons.  First, as I being my field observations on Wednesday, some of the articles suggestions on student teaching can be applied there as well.  In particular, the relationship with the cooperating teacher is important, and lots of information can be gained from him or her.  Secondly, having a solid understanding of student teaching now will help me to gain more from all my music classes that I will have between now and then; I can learn from the perspective of an informed student teacher-to-be.

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