INTASC Standard #10 |
Partnerships |
[Headings for INTASC standards are taken from - Campbell, D.M. et al. (1997). How to develop a professional portfolio: A manual for teachers. Boston: Allyn and Bacon.] |
Networking is one of the most important parts of being a music teacher (really, any kind of teacher, but especially in music). Jobs are often won and lost based largely upon connections - positive recommendations and experiences (and, for better or for worse, competitive successes) are much more readily considered than one's school transcripts. To this end, I have taken every opportunity I have had over the past few years to talk to other band directors or music educators, whether with those who are talking with my band or orchestra directors in high school or with others at IMEA state convention. Also, opportunities such as the field teaching/observing experiences have been great because I have been able to meet, get to know and work with more music educators. Not only am I making personal connections, but I am also gaining from their collective knowledge as well. Lastly, working with my peers is simply a more career-specific way to get to know them than simply attending college with them.
One thing that is often overlooked is the fact that, in addition to relationships with my professional peers, student-teacher relationships are not the only other relationships that occur and must be handled appropriately in order for me to be a successful teacher to my students. Most directly related to the students will be my interaction with their parents. At very least, this includes at times like Parent Night (or Back-to-School Night) and during special parent-teacher conferences. But more than that, especially in special areas like music, parents are often present at activities such as concerts and performances. At times like these it is important to not come across as too important to have time to talk to parents, to compliment them on their child(ren), and to answer any questions they may have. If parents develop a negative opinion of me, then they will become less supportive of me, my program, and their child's involvement in my program. And parent support is very important for the success of students; particularly in music, parent support is often imperative for the survival of the program.
Finally, agencies and companies in my community are important to my success as a teacher, particularly in the area of music. They rarely will directly effect my students' learning, but their support (publicity as well as financial) can help make my students' success more possible. Often, without corporate support, large music programs simply cannot operate, and so facilitating healthy relationships with area businesses and agencies may very well be crucial to my music program.
Budget Project from MusEd 360Interview with Mr. Randy Greenwell
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