Student Teaching
Anderson Highland High School
For 16 weeks in the Spring of 2008 I worked with Mr. Doug Fletcher and Mr. Steve Stickler at Anderson Highland High School. I had the opportunity to assist with 6 classes - two concert bands, three jazz bands, and one choir. Mr. Fletcher (my supervising teacher) assists the choir director with the Freshman Choir, so my responsibilities in there were to help him help her. Otherwise, I spent the majority of each day working right alongside Mr. Fletcher and Mr. Stickler and learned a lot from both of them.
Lesson Plans compiled from the semester (3.35 MB PDF)
Weekly Schedules, providing overviews of each week's activities
LAMP Project - Summary
Pre-Test | Lesson Plans | MIDI Handout | Post-Test
LAMP Reflection | Test Results Graph
Pep Band Play List, based upon Mr. Fletcher's template
I developed this for the last home basketball, of which I was in charge.
Video Reflections: February 14 | March 20 (video) | April 17 (video)
Outside Observation Reflections: Mr. Perrel's Physics Class | Mr. Taylor's Pendleton Heights High School Wind Ensemble rehearsal
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