Conducting Experience 5 Reflection
Holst - First Suite in Eb, Movement III: March
On April 26, 2007, I conducted the last movement of Holst’s First Suite in Eb, the March movement. This was my fifth and final conducting experience, and I was actually quite pleased with it. I prepared for it well, but it also helped a lot that I was very familiar with this piece and this movement. The piece is one of my favorites (I definitely like it more than Holst’s Second Suite), and this movement is something I can sing or whistle my way through without even looking at the music. This certainly helped my conducting of it.
I felt that I did a lot of good things while conducting. For one, my patterns were nearly all very clear and in time (as in, I felt like I was actually leading the ensemble, rather than just conducting with the ensemble). Also, I made a very nice transition to the half-time feel section, and it felt (and upon viewing the video, looked) very natural and appropriate. Also, I think I gave more, stylistically, than I have on any previous conducting. My right hand (and left?) changed, based upon whether it was a smooth section or the typically short, march-like parts. Also, though it still wasn’t completely amazing, I did more with my face than I have in the past – including looking at the ensemble. I am still a bit uncomfortable on the podium and, thus, I still tend to bury my face in the score a bit too much, but I think it was an improvement, to be sure.
The ritardando section toward the end gave me a little trouble. I knew, basically, what I wanted to do with it, but I failed to prepare the ensemble for what I was going to do. Also, I was giving a subdivision that I did not need to give. Once I worked this a little bit (with Dr. Caneva’s help), it became much clearer and, in turn, sounded better. Also, my cut-off at the end was never quite right. While I did definitely want a relatively short note here, I still didn’t need to just hit the beat and fall; I should have shown a bit more length and definition to this beat.
Overall, I am very happy with this conducting. It was a good sign, as I have felt like my progress has not always been amazing this semester. It was encouraging, and enjoyable!
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