Singing Lesson Plan

Michael Thom
MusEd 353 Section 001
October 18, 2006

Singing Lesson: The Lion Sleeps Tonight

Grade Level: 8th grade

Length of Lesson: 10-15 minutes

Lesson Statement: The purpose of this lesson is to learn a familiar song and to learn about simple harmonies to go with it.

Materials: CD with Tokens recording, score/parts to sing (to be used on Elmo)

Objectives: The students will read notation and be able to sing The Lion Sleeps Tonight as a chorus in five parts.

National Standards used:

1.    Singing, alone and with others, a varied repertoire of music.
5.    Reading and notating music.
6.    Listening to, analyzing, and describing music.
7.    Evaluating music and music performances.



  1. Play CD
  2. Who knows this song?
  3. Where it originally came from
    1. 1939 African pop hit "Mbube" - (pronounced EEM-boo-beh) which means “Lion.”
    2. Popular version we know is by The Tokens (1961).

Look at Music

1.       Sing through Melody.
      Key of D, intone on keyboard.
       Sing through Harmony 1.
3.       Show score (hide bottom part), split class in half, and do Melody + Harmony 1.
4.       Talk through Harmonies 2 -4, have whole class do each.
5.       Split class in pairs.

6.       Sing through it!

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