Listening Lesson Plan

Michael Thom
MusEd 353 Section 001
September 25, 2006

Listening Lesson: Bach’s Toccata and Fugue in D Minor – and 3 variations of the same

Grade Level: 7th grade

Length of Lesson: 10-15 minutes

Lesson Statement: The purpose of this lesson is to explore different ways to arrange and perform one piece.

Materials: DVD I burned of variations, CD of original, paper with partial score

Objectives: The students will explore different ways to arrange and perform one piece.  Different styles will be explored, and students will think about and discuss what effects the differences have on the listener.

National Standards used:

6.   Listening to, analyzing, and describing music.

7.   Evaluating music and music performances.


Introduce piece

  1. Brief History - Originally written for organ, early 1700s
  2. Show score, play CD of organ version


1.       Overview

a.       Listen for: faster/slower, more/less dynamics, similarity to original work, how it feels

b.      Write these things down on provided paper

2.       Play DVD

3.       Discuss

a.       Turn to partner and discuss findings – 2 minutes, go!

b.      One of each pair describe one unique difference of one of three and overall feeling of each.

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