MusEd 250
Brass Techniques

Development of fundamental performance skills on two or more brass instruments. Examination of performance problems, diagnostic techniques, teaching strategies, and other specialized topics related to brass instruction in school settings.

Brass Pedagogy Project

  1. Three (quick) steps to better articulation. (Online Trombone Journal)

  2. The seven secrets of endurance. (International Trumpet Guild Journal)

  3. As if your life depended on it: advice from some horn masters. (The Horn Call)

Brass Performance Critiques

  1. Blast!

  2. Kyle Shafer and Adam Nicholson's Junior Recital

Private Lesson Project with Kent Richardson

Microteaching: Brass Flexibility - Lesson Plan / Reflection / Score for Exercises (requires Finale)/ Video

[Note: The video on this page is large (around 17 MB), will take a while to download, and requires RealPlayer. Click here to download RealPlayer.]

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