
And now back to our regularly-scheduled program…

Whoa, it’s been a year – more than a year! Regular posting will resume very soon. Several very important things have transpired since my last post, and they bear mentioning – but not for a few more days. Check back […]


Carter Beauford and Victor Wooten

Oh goodness… These guys are two of the best… I wish I could play either of those instruments half as well as they can! Anyway, I just thought this video was just cool.


Anti-Tank Missile

Okay, so this is really not a useful post of any sort. But I just ran across this and found it to be freaking sweet. It’s a 2000 fps video of an anti-tank missile being fired. Check it out.


A MusEd Paper vs. The Rest of My Life

So I had a nice long talk with Melissa yesterday. You see, we have this paper due in our MusEd class tomorrow – a paper about our philosophy of music education, it’s place in schools, etc. One problem – I’m […]


Preaching? Who, me?

Well, I just delivered my first sermon this morning. “Jesus, Lord of the Sabbath,” at the Christian Campus House. Pshew, who knew… It’s been a bit of a stressful week, juggling school and the “normal” stressors but also dealing with […]



Do you ever wonder why God puts certain people in your life? Perhaps they are frustrating, nay, angering, at times. Maybe they force you to think differently about things. Possibly they challenge you directly or in roundabout terms. Other times, […]


Music Education – Curricular, or Not?

So I just got done reading an article for my MusEd 360 class entitled “Making Arts Education Curricular.” The basic point of the article was to explain why arts aren’t yet widely considered curricular and what we (as [future] music […]


In the Beginning

So I decided to be super-cool and get a Blogger, um, blog. And I figured that title was somehow appropriate. I don’t really use my xanga ( as it is, so we’ll see how much this gets used. I’m thinking […]