
Thank You Father

As we approach Thanksgiving I thought I would take a moment to talk about Thanksgiving. I have never actively participated in the time of thanksgiving that the Mayes family always has during our Thanksgiving gathering. It felt awkward. I didn’t […]


How Much Am I To Do?

So I’m sitting here in the sound booth at church, working on the podcast. One thought has come to mind just now, as it often has recently. How much stuff am I really to try to do? With all my […]


How Does One Love The World?

The following was written by a guy I don’t know, but his name is Adam Schultz. I want to just copy and paste it here (from a CRU listserve email sent by Steve Van Elk), and then I’ll discuss it […]


Keep On Shinin’

So I’ve decided life is hard. Okay, I suppose this is no huge revelation to most people. But seriously. I’ve attempted to help a couple friends deal with some stuff this weekend, and I dealt with some personally too, and […]


PFR and Unceasing Worship

Okay, first, who among you have heard of PFR? Yeah, okay, not many… stands for Pray For Rain. Awesome Christian band of the 1990s, produced a best of-type album in 1997 (The Late Great PFR), still performs a few times […]


Carter Beauford and Victor Wooten

Oh goodness… These guys are two of the best… I wish I could play either of those instruments half as well as they can! Anyway, I just thought this video was just cool.


Anti-Tank Missile

Okay, so this is really not a useful post of any sort. But I just ran across this and found it to be freaking sweet. It’s a 2000 fps video of an anti-tank missile being fired. Check it out.


Lest We Forget…

“The difference between us and the terrorists is clear: We endanger ourselves to protect their civilians. They endanger their civilians to protect themselves. If we want to live in a world where civilians are never used as human shields, then […]


A MusEd Paper vs. The Rest of My Life

So I had a nice long talk with Melissa yesterday. You see, we have this paper due in our MusEd class tomorrow – a paper about our philosophy of music education, it’s place in schools, etc. One problem – I’m […]


Preaching? Who, me?

Well, I just delivered my first sermon this morning. “Jesus, Lord of the Sabbath,” at the Christian Campus House. Pshew, who knew… It’s been a bit of a stressful week, juggling school and the “normal” stressors but also dealing with […]