
Student Evaluations

Last Wednesday, March 12, Mr. Fletcher (my supervising teacher for student teaching at Anderson Highland High School) had all the students in the Wind Ensemble write on a piece of paper two things that I am doing well and two […]


YouTube – Star Wars Cantina By Richard Cheese!

YouTube – Star Wars Cantina By Richard Cheese This is very funny, particularly if you’re a fan of the Star Wars series at all. Just a warning, I don’t necessarily condone all of Richard Cheese’s work, but this particular video […]


Kingdom Dream vs. American Dream

I was just reading today’s devotional entry in the 40-day devotional guide published a few weeks ago by my church in Indy, East 91st Street Christian Church. This week’s study is from Matthew 6:19-34. “Do not store up for yourselves […]


Wisdom from Bible Study

This evening’s Bible study was a good time, both spiritually fulfilling and just fun. Kristen made a comment at one point that I feel like quoting here. This comment is a bit out of its original context (which is, at […]


Sitting in a Live Concert

So this is cool. I’m sitting in the Student Center at Ball State University, watching Jon Hainstock perform live for a Late Nite event. I’ve had the opportunity to see Jon at least three other times, all of them in […]


Exciting News!

Well, it’s official: I have a job! And furthermore, it’s an opportunity that I never thought I would have (although, in a small way, always wished I would). In short, Alex Robinson is leaving the Christian Campus House. This makes […]


And now back to our regularly-scheduled program…

Whoa, it’s been a year – more than a year! Regular posting will resume very soon. Several very important things have transpired since my last post, and they bear mentioning – but not for a few more days. Check back […]


More From Harold Best

I finally have had a bit more time to read. I’m really going to try to make that a regular occurrence. Unceasing Worship by Harold Best. Excellent book. Every word he writes is so specific, so clear, so meaningful. As […]