
What Do You Think of Jesus Today?

Tonight was the first night of the NACCM‘s annual Campus Minister’s Retreat at McCormick’s Creek State Park in Spencer, Indiana.  The speaker (whose name is Don, but otherwise has not been fully introduced) explained that he would be speaking out […]



Unbelievable… not that I ever actually thought I may not graduate, but I still can hardly believe that this day is here now.  High school graduation was one thing, but college graduation was always the lofty, far-off goal to which […]


More Amusing Student Work

Yesterday at Highland High School, Mr. Stickler gave the Blues Band a 5-minute assignment: using the provided paper, answer the following question: What is Jazz?  Here are some excerpted responses. It’s that feeling when you first get in the shower […]


Ultimate Pictionary

I finally got to play a game with some friends tonight who have raved about playing it before.  They call it "Ultimate Pictionary."  While I have no idea where this idea actually originated, it’s brilliant.  In short, each player gets […]


A New Apologetic Method

Okay, so it may not actually be totally new.  But it’s new to me, and it’s new to many modern Christians.  You see, many "classic" Christian apologetics just aren’t as applicable to today society and situation.  With the "New Atheists" […]


Last-Minute Trip to Indy/Test Post

Well, I’m heading to Indy in a half-hour.  Mark informed us that Dinesh D’ Souza (author of What’s So Great About Christianity?, among other books) is speaking at Crossroads Bible College in Indy this evening, so I’ll be traveling down there […]


A Bridge or a Rug?

Unfortunately, today is the next-to-last day of the E91 devotional that I’ve been reading. I’ll have to find something to take its place, and fast. But I wanted to share, yet again, a very short excerpt from tonight’s reading. This […]


A Summary of Ministry

More from the E91 devotional. The words of Preaching Associate Dave Mullins (he’ll be performing Natalie and my wedding ceremony! or at least he’s the official E91 person involved; we’re going to have Mark Pike do a majority of the […]


His Grace Covers All

An excerpt from my previously-referenced E91 devotional, this one written by Senior Pastor Derek Duncan: I want you to make a list of what you think God doesn’t love about you. Look at it and ask God if He loves […]


A Nation of Cowards

A Nation of Cowards Oh my goodness, every American needs to read this article. It may be a bit old (Fall 1993), but it is absolutely excellent. My favorite quote, among many: As the Founding Fathers knew well, a government […]