
Musings on the Electoral College

Since last night I have been planning on writing a post regarding the Electoral College.  First, I should clarify that I am not writing this as a frustrated McCain voter or something; I’m well aware that Obama won both the […]


Pride is a Killer

So, this has been a bit of a tough week for me… for so many reasons.  It’s also been a great week, for some of the same reasons, frankly.  All details aside, let’s just say I’ve had a couple significant […]


Evansville’s Best-Kept Secret

Last night, during a break from the National Student Conference (hosted by the NACCM), the rest of the Christian Campus House staff and I joined a couple other guys from the conference and drove through Evansville a bit to go […]


Election 08 – What Everyone Needs to Know

PREFACE: I did not write this. I am re-posting this excellent commentary posted on facebook, written by Alex Pombar. As the presidential election approaches, I would like to take time to share with you what I think about the current […]


Sunset over Lake Michigan

Sunset over Lake MichiganOriginally uploaded by thom.michaelj Cool, huh? Also, just trying the blog-from-flickr feature. I took this pic with my phone camera while in Michigan with Natalie for her family reunion.


SCOTUS Decision in Favor of Gun Owners

I am so happy to be posting these links.  The much-awaited D.C. et al. v. Heller case that went before the Supreme Court has been decided.  In a narrow 5-4 vote the Court has overturned the D.C. gun ban law, […]


Spiritual Receptivity

I am a little over halfway through A.W. Tozer‘s classic The Pursuit of God (also available to read online).  This is my first read of the book, and, despite the language being just a bit old-fashioned (it was written around […]


Last from Anderson Highland

Well, my time at Anderson Highland has finally come to an end. (Well, actually, it officially ended 5/2 and practically ended 5/10, but I’m just now getting around to blogging about it.) What a wonderful time I had there. Mr. […]