A Return to Blogging

It’s been a while friends. To those of you just finding my blog, welcome. To those of you who have been sitting up every night since my last post just waiting for that sweet moment I post again, I know a great psychologist I can recommend. For everyone else, I promise this over-wrought intro is now over.

Since my last post in August of 2009, a lot has changed. At that time I believe I had just started substitute teaching but was still looking to find more permanent work. I finally found that at the end of September, and on October 5 I started work at ExactTarget. What a perfect job, or so it seemed. Fun (though busy and stressful) work, a great atmosphere, and awesome people to work with. I made several new friends, learned a lot about email marketing and even just corporate life in general, and enjoyed my time there. However, all good things come to an end and, unfortunately, I found out this past September that I would be leaving ExactTarget. October 6, 2010, was officially my last day, so at least I made it to my one-year anniversary – even if only by one day! But God is good, and after a 7-week “vacation,” I found new employment at Slingshot SEO, a young, fun, growing company operating in a space of the internet where there is so much room for growth. I’m only a few weeks in, but so far I’m loving it.You can also find remote jobs to improve your personal growth.

YogiAlso this past summer we got a dog! We adopted a 6-year-old Lhasa Apso from an animal shelter and named him Yogi. He’s been a true joy, and we’re so blessed to have our first dog-child.

Beyond all this, I have no further excuse about not blogging. I’ve certainly had lots of thoughts on various topics, but I’ve been too mired in other things to get my creative thoughts out on this digital paper. But I’m back! And I’m planning on blogging much more frequently now, sharing my thoughts on things as I encounter them. And to new readers – don’t worry, this isn’t a personal blog, per se… most of my thoughts will stem from personal experiences, but this is not just a daily journal of things I’ve done. But sometimes you just gotta post a picture of a cute dog.

Leave me comments, questions, or topic suggestions in the comments below!

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